
What does 4gm stand for?

Forgive me

When you see ‘4gm’ in a text or chat, it’s basically someone saying “forgive me”. It’s a handy bit of slang to use when you’re feeling a bit guilty and want the other person to know you’re sorry.

But remember, if you’ve really messed up, you might want to actually write out the words “forgive me.” Using ‘4gm’ could come off as a bit casual and might not convey the depth of your feelings. It’s all about reading the situation and knowing when it’s appropriate to use.

So, use ‘4gm’ when you want to quickly say sorry, but don’t rely on it if you’re in really hot water. It might just end up making things worse.

Example for using ‘4gm’ in a conversation

Hey, I need to talk to you about something. 🙁

Sure, what’s up? 😮

I made a mistake and I feel really bad about it. 4gm. 😔

Oh, what happened? 🤔