
What does 4n6 stand for?

4n6 means Forensics

The term ‘4n6’ is a shortcut way of saying ‘forensics’. It is commonly used in two different fields – digital forensics and public speaking/debate forensics.

When it comes to digital forensics, this is a highly specialised field. It focuses on finding and understanding information stored on digital devices, like computers and smartphones. People in this field, who are often tech-savvy and comfortable using chat shorthand, might refer to their work as digital 4n6.

On the other hand, when people talk about 4n6 in the context of public speaking, they’re referring to the study and practice of debate. Forensics tournaments are events where speakers compete and are judged on their speaking abilities. Participants in these tournaments, who are typically very good with words, might use 4n6 as a quick way to refer to their craft.

Example for using ‘4n6’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard of 4n6?

Yeah, it’s an abbreviation for forensics.

Exactly! It’s used in digital forensics and regular forensics.

Digital forensics deals with recovering and analyzing data from digital devices.

That’s right! And regular forensics is all about public speaking and debate.

Got it! So, 4n6 is the cool way to refer to both fields.