What does AFAP stand for?

As fast as possible

AFAP is an acronym that stands for “as fast as possible”. It’s somewhat like ASAP, but it’s used less often and can have a bit more of a naughty meaning.

Because “fap” is a slang term for “to masturbate,” AFAP can sometimes be used to mean “masturbating as quickly as possible.” If someone tells you they’re AFAPing, it might be a bit too much information!

You could respond with TMI (too much information) or WTMI (way too much information) if you find it inappropriate or uncomfortable.

Example for using ‘AFAP’ in a conversation

Hey, can you help me with this assignment?

Sure, what do you need?

I need it done AFAP!

Haha, alright, I’ll get on it right away! πŸ˜„