
What does Allat mean?

All that

Allat is a shortened version of “all that” and is a popular slang term that first popped up in Philadelphia. It’s now widely used on various social media platforms like TikTok and Twitter.

It’s used in a number of different ways. For instance, let’s say a Twitter user named Mike is acting a bit too big for his boots. Another user, Sarah, might say, “Mike, you’re not allat” to bring him down a peg.

Similarly, on TikTok, if a user named Emma is being overly dramatic in a video, another user, Liam, could comment, “Emma, there’s no need for allat” to call out her exaggerated behavior.

One of the most frequent uses of allat is in the phrase “I ain’t reading allat.” This is basically the same as saying TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read), but with a bit more sass.

Example for using ‘Allat’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see that new movie?

Nah, I ain’t reading allat. What’s it about?

It’s a thriller with lots of twists and turns.

Sounds interesting, but I’m not really into thrillers, you know?