What does ASLNP stand for?

Age, sex, location, name, picture

When you see the term ‘ASLNP’ online, it’s someone asking for your age, sex, location, name, and picture. It’s a quick way for people to get to know each other on social media or in chatrooms, especially when they haven’t met in person yet.

Quite often, the person asking for ASLNP is interested in a romantic relationship or wants to get closer. So, if you receive a message with ASLNP, be aware that the person might have feelings for you.

However, remember to be cautious. Some people with less-than-honorable intentions might also use ASLNP to gather personal information. So, think twice before sharing your details, especially with strangers online.

Example for using ‘ASLNP’ in a conversation

Hey, what’s up? How was your day? 😊

Hey! It was good, thanks! How about yours? πŸ˜„

Not bad, just chilling at home. So, ASLNP? πŸ˜‰

Haha, ASLNP? Okay, I’m 25, female, from California. What about you? 😊