What does BBN stand for?

Bye-bye now

BBN is a short, casual way to end a chat conversation. It’s an acronym that stands for ‘bye-bye now’ and can be used by anyone, from your buddies to people you’ve just met online.

When your pal uses BBN, it generally means they expect to chat with you again soon. It’s like saying BB4N (bye-bye for now), but with a bit more fun and one less letter.

On the other hand, if a person you’re not very familiar with uses BBN at the end of a conversation, they might be trying to cut the chat short. They’re using BBN as a quick and easy way to say that they’ve had enough of the conversation.

Example for using ‘BBN’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the new episode of that show?

Yes, it was amazing! I can’t wait for the next one. 😍

Same here! The cliffhanger got me on the edge of my seat. 😱

I know right! Can’t wait to discuss it with you later. BBN! 😊