What does BIS stand for in gaming?

Best in slot

If you’re a gamer, you might have come across the term BIS. It’s a shorthand gamers use, and it stands for “best in slot”.

This term pops up often in gaming forums or in-game chat. Players use it when they’re talking about all kinds of stuff you can equip, like armor, rings, shields, or weapons.

An item that’s labeled as BIS is pretty much the best of its kind. It’s the kind of item that you should be aiming to equip in its specific “slot”.

But one thing to note is that which item is BIS can change. It depends on things like your character’s level, class, and other characteristics. So a piece of headgear that’s BIS for one player might not even be something another player can use.

Example for using ‘BIS’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen the new sword in the game?

Yeah, it’s BIS!