What does BOT mean in MOBA games?

Bottom lane

If you’ve ever heard the term ‘BOT’ while playing games like League of Legends or Defense of the Ancients, you might be wondering what it means. ‘BOT’ is a short form used in these MOBA games and it stands for the bottom lane.

The maps in these games like LOL or DOTA are made up of three lanes: top, middle, and bottom. Along with these, there’s also a jungle area in between the lanes. The basic idea is to push against your opponents in these lanes to gain control over the map, leading you towards victory.

The bottom lane, or ‘BOT’, is one such area where players can push against their enemies. The jungle area is usually occupied by characters known as ‘junglers’. So, when someone says they’re going ‘BOT’, you’ll now know what they’re talking about!

Example for using ‘BOT’ in a conversation

Hey, want to play some League of Legends?

Sure, I’m up for it! Which lane do you want to go?

Let’s go BOT, I want to practice my ADC skills.

Sounds good! I’ll go support then.