
What does Brolling mean?

Acting like James Bond to mess with people

When someone dresses up like famous fictional character James Bond, with the aim of getting others to think they might be the next actor to play the character, it’s called Brolling. This unique term is a mix of ‘James Bond’ and ‘Trolling’.

The term was first used by the actor John Doe when he posted a picture of himself looking fancy in a tuxedo, resembling the iconic James Bond look. His intention was to mess with fans by hinting that he might be the next James Bond.

So, if you see someone dressed as Bond and giving hints about being the next Bond, they’re not necessarily telling the truth. They may just be Brolling!

Example for using ‘Brolling’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen Simon Pegg’s latest Instagram post? πŸ˜‚

No, what did he do this time? πŸ€”

He’s totally Brolling, dressed up like James Bond! πŸ•΄οΈ

Haha, that’s hilarious! He really knows how to have fun. πŸ˜„