What does BTFD stand for?

Back to the Future day

BTFD stands for ‘Buy The Freaking Dip’. In the world of trading and investing, this term is often used when the price of a stock or cryptocurrency drops, suggesting it’s a good time to buy. It’s a tactic used to take advantage of lower prices, with the expectation that the price will go back up.

The phrase was popularized within the investment community, particularly among cryptocurrency traders. It refers to a strategy where investors buy assets after a significant price drop, or ‘dip’. The idea is that by buying low, they can sell high later and make a profit.

So, if you ever see someone mention BTFD in an investment forum or on social media, now you know what they’re suggesting. Just remember, investing always carries risk and it’s important to do your own research before making any financial decisions.

Example for using ‘BTFD’ in a conversation

Hey, did you know today is BTFD?

BTFD? What’s that?

It stands for Back to the Future day! It’s the day Marty McFly travels to the future!

Oh, I remember that movie! October 21, 2015, right?