What does BTTF stand for?

Back to the Future

BTTF is shorthand for a beloved film trilogy from the 1980s and 90s. This movie series features a laid-back high schooler, portrayed by Michael J. Fox, and a quirky scientist, brought to life by Christopher Lloyd. This unusual pair finds themselves on a time-traveling adventure to correct issues in their family’s past.

In the first film, the main setting is the year 1955. The central characters navigate their way through a series of events in this era, giving audiences a taste of life in the mid-20th century. The film brilliantly combines elements of science fiction, comedy, and drama.

The second installment of the BTTF series takes viewers to 2015. This future setting showcases imaginative technology and lifestyle changes, painting a picture of what the filmmakers envisioned for the future.

The final film in the trilogy travels even further back in time, to 1885. This wild west setting presents a stark contrast to the previous films, wrapping up the BTTF series with a thrilling conclusion.

Example for using ‘BTTF’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen that new movie everyone’s talking about?

You mean BTTF? Yeah, I watched it last night!

Oh, nice! What did you think of it?

It was awesome! I loved how they traveled through time and fixed things in their family history.