Catch The Bus

What does Catch The Bus mean?

Ending one’s own life

‘Catch the Bus’ is slang that can seem confusing at first. It’s a phrase that’s often used online, hinting at something grim: suicide. It’s a way of talking about such a sensitive topic without directly saying it.

The phrase is usually found on the internet, in places like forums, social media, and messages. Sometimes, it’s even shortened to ‘CTB’. Though it’s less common, you could hear it in everyday conversation too.

So, where did this phrase come from? It’s been traced back to the 1990s, from internet communities. It’s believed that a Usenet newsgroup called ‘’ was the starting point for people to post messages using ‘Catch the Bus’.

Example for using ‘Catch The Bus’ in a conversation

Hey, how are you feeling today? 😊

I’m not doing so well, honestly. Feeling really down. πŸ˜”

Oh no, what’s going on? Is there anything I can do to help? πŸ€”

I don’t know, everything just feels overwhelming. Sometimes I just want to ‘catch the bus’, you know? 🚌