
What does CD99 mean?

Parents aren’t watching anymore

Ever wondered what CD99 means in the world of slang? Well, it’s a code used most commonly by teenagers to signal to their friends that their parents have just left the room. This slang is typically used after the use of CD9, another slang term.

CD99 essentially tells the person on the other end of the conversation that the coast is clear, and they can continue their discussion without the worry of parents eavesdropping. It’s an interesting piece of shorthand that’s become popular in the digital age.

Remember, though, that like all slangs, the meaning of CD99 can change depending on context and the people using it. So, it’s always good to double-check if you’re unsure about what it means in a particular conversation.

Example for using ‘CD99’ in a conversation

Hey, are you free to chat?

Yeah, I’m here! What’s up?

CD9… my parents are around.

Got it! Let’s keep it clean then. πŸ˜„