What does CNRHKYITF stand for?

Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you in the face

CNRHKYITF is an over-the-top acronym that people use to jokingly refer to the unmatched strength of a roundhouse kick from action hero Chuck Norris. If you ever question the capabilities of Chuck Norris, remember the fun fact that when he does a pushup, it’s not him moving up; it’s him pushing the earth down.

This acronym is typically used when friends want to humorously threaten each other with a physical hit. For instance, fans of the TV show Walker, Texas Ranger might text CNRHKYITF to each other when having a friendly argument or playful banter.

Example for using ‘CNRHKYITF’ in a conversation

Friend: Hey, did you see that new Chuck Norris meme? πŸ˜‚

Me: Yeah, I saw it! CNRHKYITF! πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

Friend: Haha, imagine if we had his roundhouse kick! CNRHKYITF! 😜🀣

Me: Oh man, that would be epic! Nobody would mess with us! CNRHKYITF! πŸŒͺοΈπŸ‘Š