What does CS mean in gaming?

Creep score

CS, or creep score, is a common term among players of popular video games like League of Legends (LOL) and DOTA from Warcraft 3. In these games, CS indicates the number of minions, often referred to as “Creeps”, a player has managed to defeat.

In the sphere of LOL, the CS plays a crucial role in shaping a player’s experience and their champion’s Elo. The basic rule is simple – the more creeps a champion eliminates, the more gold they pocket.

Similarly, in DOTA, a player earns gold by taking down creeps, the same way as in LOL. This gold is then used to purchase items. The creeps either emerge from the woods or rush down the lanes in the game.

Example for using ‘CS’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch that League of Legends tournament last night?

Yeah, it was amazing! Did you see that player’s CS?

Oh yeah, their CS was insane! They had over 300 by the end of the game.

That’s crazy! Having a high CS really helps with getting gold and leveling up.