
What does Cuz mean?


Ever seen the term ‘cuz’ pop up in a text and wondered what it means? Well, it’s a shortened version of the word “because”. People often use ‘cuz’ instead of “because” to save time while typing. It’s also thought to give a cooler look to the text.

Other alternatives you might see for “because” include bc, cz, bcz, and bcos, but ‘cuz’ is by far the most popular.

Now, ‘cuz’ can also stand for “cousin” in certain contexts. But there’s no need to panic! If you’re unsure whether ‘cuz’ is being used to mean “because” or “cousin”, just look at the context of the conversation. It’ll usually be pretty clear.

Example for using ‘Cuz’ in a conversation

Hey, did you finish the homework? πŸ“š

Nah, I didn’t. Cuz I got caught up watching a movie last night. πŸŽ₯

Haha, I get it. No worries, we can catch up together. 😊

Thanks, cuz! You’re the best! πŸ™Œ