
What does Disc mean in World of Warcraft?


Are you a fan of World of Warcraft, especially the priest characters? If so, you might have come across the term ‘Disc’. ‘Disc’ is a simple abbreviation for a specific priest talent tree spec in the game.

So, what does this mean? Well, this spec allows your priest character, let’s call him ‘Arthur’, to use certain spells that require deep concentration of mind. It’s a unique choice and can be picked instead of the usual ‘holy’ or ‘shadow’ specs.

So, next time you’re playing WoW and someone talks about ‘Disc’, remember it’s all about a priest’s talent tree spec. Happy gaming!

Example for using ‘Disc’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen the new talent tree spec for priests in WoW?

Yeah, it’s called ‘Disc’, right? It’s all about mind concentration spells.

Exactly! With ‘Disc’, priests can use spells that require intense focus.

That’s cool! So, they can choose ‘Disc’ instead of ‘holy’ or ‘shadow’ specs?