
What does Doge mean?


Doge is actually a funny intentional misspelling of the word dog. It all started with a Shiba Inu dog picture that went viral on Tumblr. This dog was not your usual, everyday pet, it was sitting on a couch with a surprisingly expressive face, complete with raised eyebrows and piercing eyes.

This unique picture of the Shiba Inu found its way to Reddit, where it was posted with the title spelling dog as “doge”. This was the spark that set off an internet sensation. Soon enough, people started captioning the image, creating a multitude of memes that spread like wildfire across the web.

The origin of this quirky spelling traces back to an episode of a puppet show called “Homestar Runner”. Ever since then, the term “doge” has been used widely to describe dogs, especially Shiba Inus, in a humorous or endearing context.

Example for using ‘Doge’ in a conversation

Hey, have you seen that funny meme with the dog on Tumblr?

Yes! Are you talking about the one with the Shiba Inu on the couch?

Exactly! That’s called ‘Doge’.

Oh, I get it now! It’s the misspelling of ‘dog’ on purpose, right?