What does DQMOT stand for?

Don’t quote me on this

When a person isn’t entirely sure if what they’re saying is accurate, they might use the slang acronym DQMOT before their statement. DQMOT stands for ‘don’t quote me on this’, and it’s used as a heads up to the other person that they might want to do their own research (or DYOR) instead of fully relying on the information given.

The main reason why people use DQMOT is to protect themselves from being blamed for sharing wrong or inaccurate information. Let’s say, for instance, your buddy Sam is asked about the sales targets for the upcoming month. He’s not entirely sure, but he gives an answer anyways, prefacing it with DQMOT. This way, should his information turn out to be incorrect, he can’t be held accountable for it.

In essence, DQMOT is a disclaimer used in informal conversations. It’s a handy tool to use when you’re not 100% certain about the information you’re sharing, but you want to give an answer or input anyway.

Example for using ‘DQMOT’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard about the new restaurant that opened up in town?

Yeah, I have! But DQMOT, I heard it’s really expensive.

Oh, really? I should probably check it out myself before I believe what others say.

Definitely! It’s always good to DYOR and see if it suits your budget and taste.