What does DTP stand for?

Disturbing the peace

When you see ‘DTP’ while texting or chatting, it generally means something or someone is getting on people’s nerves. It’s a simple way to express annoyance or frustration without having to type out a long explanation.

But ‘DTP’ isn’t just a slang term used in messaging. It’s also the name of a record label in America. This label, called Disturbing tha Peace, is a big deal in the music world.

Owned by a popular rapper, who goes by the name of Chris Bridges, Disturbing tha Peace is part of the Universal Music Group. There’s a good chance you’ve heard some of the music they’ve produced if you’re a fan of hip-hop or rap.

So, ‘DTP’ can mean two different things depending on the context. It’s either an easy way to say something is annoying in a chat, or it’s the name of a well-known music label.

Example for using ‘DTP’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see what happened at the party last night? πŸŽ‰

Yeah, it was crazy! 🀯

I heard someone got into a fight and the police had to come. πŸš“

Yeah, it was DTP for sure. Ruined the whole vibe. 😑