What does F/F stand for?

Face to face

When chatting online, people often use the abbreviation F/F, which stands for “face to face.” It’s used to ask someone if they’re open to meeting in person, or what’s also known as IRL (in real life).

If you’re ever asked to meet F/F and you don’t feel okay with it, it’s completely fine to express your discomfort. It’s important to always prioritize your safety and comfort when interacting online.

On the flip side, if you’re the one suggesting a F/F meet up, and the other person agrees, the normal next step is to decide on a suitable time and location for the meeting.

Example for using ‘F/F’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard of F/F?

Yeah, it means “face to face.” Why?

I was thinking, do you want to meet up F/F sometime?

Sure, that sounds fun! How about this weekend?