What does FTTB mean?

For the time being

Have you heard the term FTTB and wondered what it means? Well, it’s just a quick way of saying “for the time being”, or in simpler words, “for now”. This phrase suggests that whatever is happening is only temporary and could change in the future.

Imagine your manager, let’s call him Bob, tells you that you need to write weekly sales reports FTTB. This implies that writing these reports is not a permanent task. Eventually, things might change, and you might not have to do it anymore. (Although don’t get too hopeful, these tasks have a way of sticking around!)

So next time you come across FTTB, remember it just means “for now”. It’s a useful phrase when you want to keep options open for the future.

Example for using ‘FTTB’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the new project at work?

Yeah, I did. We have to work overtime for the time being. 😩

Ugh, that’s tough. But remember, FTTB. Things might change in the future. 🀞

You’re right. I guess we just have to hang in there and hope for the best. πŸ™