What does FTTT stand for?

From time to time

When you see ‘FTTT’, it stands for ‘From Time To Time’. It’s a handy way of saying “every now and then” or “occasionally”. It’s a term used when talking about events that happen irregularly but often enough to be noted.

Imagine getting a message from your high school teacher that reads “FTTT there will be surprise tests in class”. In simple terms, this means your teacher is planning to give unexpected tests from time to time, probably to make sure you’re always ready and attending class regularly.

So, when someone uses FTTT, they’re simply telling you that a particular event or situation will happen sporadically. It’s a quick and easy way to express frequency without getting into specific details.

Example for using ‘FTTT’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the new movie coming out?

Yeah, I heard it’s supposed to be really good!

FTTT we should definitely go see it together.

Sounds like a plan! Let’s make it happen.