
What does Goblincore mean?

A style that appreciates not-so-obvious parts of nature

Goblincore is a unique subculture that glorifies elements of nature typically considered “ugly” or ignored. This includes things like fungi, bones, rocks, tree roots, and soil. It’s all about appreciating the beauty in what others might overlook.

Those who embrace Goblincore, often calling themselves goblins, gobs, or gobbos, have a fun tendency to collect small objects, affectionately called “shinies”. These could be anything from a shiny pebble to an interestingly shaped twig. They love collecting and hoarding such little treasures.

The heart of the Goblincore community can be found on Tumblr, but their presence is felt across the internet. You’ll spot gobbies sharing their love for mushrooms, moss, buttons, and all sorts of clutter on platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

What’s great about the Goblincore community is their laid-back, peaceful vibe. They find joy in living in sync with the world and nature, and are always open to those looking to join the crew. So if you’re drawn to the charm of the ordinary, Goblincore might be your thing.

Example for using ‘Goblincore’ in a conversation

Hey, have you heard of goblincore? πŸ„

Yeah, I have! It’s all about appreciating the beauty in things like mushrooms, bones, and dirt. 🌿

Exactly! It’s so cool how they find value in the overlooked. I love how gobbos hoard little treasures they call “shinies” too. ✨

Totally! They’re all about living in harmony with nature and each other. It’s such a chill community. 🌳