What does HHJK stand for?

Haha, just kidding

If you’re chatting with a friend and they use HHJK, they’re basically saying “haha, just kidding.” You’ll typically see this acronym pop up after a sarcastic or joking remark.

But sometimes, people might use HHJK to try and take back something they’ve said that they now regret. In these situations, it’s up to you to decide how to react. It might be best to just play along, or you might decide to call them out on it.

Example for using ‘HHJK’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear? I won the lottery!

Wow, that’s amazing! Congrats! πŸ’°

Thanks! I’m going on a world tour now! 🌍

Sounds fun! Can I come too? πŸ˜„