What does IFOCN mean in online chatting?

In front of computer naked

When you see the term IFOCN online, it’s a cheeky way of saying that the person is not wearing any clothes while at their computer. This is mostly seen during online chats or on adult-themed discussion boards. It’s not gender-specific, meaning both guys and gals can use it.

It’s worth noting that this is quite a niche term. Not a ton of people use IFOCN because it’s not very well-known and a lot of folks use the Internet on things like cell phones or tablets, not just computers.

So, for instance, a man named Joe might drop a message in a chat saying, “IFOCN, anyone up for a private chat?” On the other hand, a lady named Lisa might send a direct message to someone, “IFOCN, what’s up with you?”

Example for using ‘IFOCN’ in a conversation

Person 1: Hey, IFOCN. What are you up to? 😏

Person 2: Haha, just chilling in front of my computer. πŸ˜‰

Person 1: Nice! IFOCN too. It’s so liberating! πŸ˜„

Person 2: Totally agree! No better way to relax. 😎