What does IGL stand for in online gaming?

In-game leader

If you’re into multiplayer online games like Overwatch, Dota 2, or PUBG, you may have come across the term ‘IGL’. It stands for “in-game leader”. These are the folks who call the shots, setting up game plans and tactics for the team.

Often, the IGL is the most seasoned player in the group. They have the know-how and the experience to guide the team. It’s their job to make key decisions during the game. Not just in professional eSports, even in casual gaming circles, teams often have a dedicated IGL.

Now, you might be a bit of a maverick, and feel like going against your IGL’s instructions. But be warned, this could end badly for your team. If your lone wolf actions result in your team getting wiped out, or ‘ganked’, your teammates might not be too keen to have you back for another round.

Example for using ‘IGL’ in a conversation

Hey, are you playing the new update of Fortnite?

Yeah, I am! It’s so much fun.

Nice! Have you ever been an IGL in the game?

Oh, definitely! I love being the in-game leader and calling the shots for my team.