What does IHU stand for?

I hate you

If someone doesn’t like you much, they might use the slang term IHU, which stands for “I hate you.” It’s a pretty strong expression, so it’s usually used between friends as a joke. (Unless it’s your cousin Mike, he’s not kidding. He really can’t stand you.)

Here’s a scenario for you. If you were to tell your jazz-loving buddy that you’ve snagged tickets to a Billie Eilish concert, they might reply with “IHU.” They’re not serious, of course. They’re just teasing you.

But here’s a tip to turn that IHU into an ILU, or “I love you”: why not invite your friend to the concert too? It could be a fun adventure, even if they’re not a big fan of the music. And who knows? They might end up having a great time.

Example for using ‘IHU’ in a conversation

Friend: Hey, did you hear? I just got promoted at work! πŸŽ‰

Friend: IHU. πŸ˜’

Friend: Haha, come on! Don’t be like that. Let’s celebrate together! πŸ₯³

Friend: Fine, I guess I can tolerate you for a day. Count me in! 🍻