What does ILYFE stand for?

I love you forever and always

Imagine having someone who claims to love you until the stars lose their sparkle and the universe ceases to exist. That’s the special sentiment behind the slang term ILYFE, which stands for “I Love You For Eternity”.

While it’s physically impossible for anyone to love you for eternity, this phrase is a heartwarming expression of deep and lasting love. The person using ILYFE is trying to convey that their love for you is enduring and unconditional.

You’re likely to hear ILYFE from someone very significant in your life. This could be your significant other, your best friend forever, or even your parents. They use it to communicate their affection and commitment to you.

But be aware, if you get an ILYFE from someone else who isn’t that close to you, you might want to be careful. It could mean that person is a bit too clingy, or in slang terms, a ‘creeper’.

Example for using ‘ILYFE’ in a conversation

Hey, I just wanted to say ILYFE. ❀️

Aww, that’s so sweet! ILYFE too! 😍