What does IMPO stand for?

In my personal opinion

IMPO is a slang term that stands for “in my personal opinion”. It’s like a longer way of saying IMO (in my opinion). Even though it’s a bit repetitive to say that your opinion is personal, some people still use it this way. You can often find it being used in online platforms like forums, social media, and chat messages, usually when someone is expressing their deeply personal views.

There’s another way that IMPO is used, though it’s not as common. Sometimes, people use IMPO to mean “in my pompous opinion”. This is a more humorous or self-deprecating way to share an opinion, acknowledging that it might come across as over-confident or arrogant. However, this usage is less frequent.

Example for using ‘IMPO’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the new episode of that show?

Yeah, I did! IMPO, it was awesome! πŸ™Œ

Really? I thought it was just okay. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Well, IMPO, the plot twists were mind-blowing! 🀯