
What does Jellz mean?

Jellz means Jealous

Ever had a funny moment where you’re a bit envious of your buddies? If so, you may have experienced what’s known as Jellz. This term represents a light-hearted form of jealousy, typically coming into play among friends.

For example, let’s say your friend Sarah just got a new phone that you’ve been eyeing for some time. You’re happy for her, but you can’t help but wish you had that phone. That’s where you might say, “I’m totally Jellz of your new phone, Sarah!”

This term is often used among younger crowds, such as middle school students. It’s also frequently heard amongst the “valley girl” stereotype, a type of personality known for their unique dialect and speech patterns.

Jellz is all about capturing a specific type of jealousy – one that’s more about fun and less about malice. It’s a way to express envy without being too serious or causing friction between friends. So next time you feel a tinge of envy, remember: it’s just a bit of Jellz!

Example for using ‘Jellz’ in a conversation

Hey, I just saw your new car. 😍

Thanks! I’m loving it! πŸ˜„

I’m so jellz right now. 🀣

Haha, don’t worry, we can go for a ride together. πŸš—πŸ’¨