
What does Juking mean in video gaming?

Dodging by using things around you and moving to get away

In the world of DOTA, a popular video game, ‘Juking’ is a common technique used by players to dodge their enemies. This strategic move involves using the player’s skills, alongside the environment and items within the game, to outwit and escape from opponents.

Juking isn’t just about running away, it’s about gaining an upper hand in the game. Players often use this tactic to change directions swiftly and find a higher ground in the battlefield. This move is especially useful when the player’s health is low or when their combo spells are already spent.

Moreover, Juking comes in handy not just while escaping, but also when the player is on the offensive, hunting down an enemy. It’s an essential skill that can greatly contribute to a player’s success in the game.

Example for using ‘Juking’ in a conversation

Hey, I was playing DOTA earlier and I managed to juke the enemy team!

Nice! How did you do it?

I used the trees to hide and then quickly used my blink dagger to escape. They had no idea where I went!

Haha, that’s awesome! Juking can really turn the tide of a battle.