What does KDA mean in League of Legends?

Kills Deaths Assists

In gaming circles, particularly among players of League of Legends (LoL), KDA is a popular term. This is an acronym for “Kills Deaths Assists”, a ratio that gamers use to gauge how well they’ve played in a match. If you’ve scored a bunch of kills or assists and managed to stay alive, your KDA is going to look pretty good. But if you’ve died a lot, your KDA will be low, suggesting that you didn’t really help your team out.

Once a match is over, LoL shows each player their individual stats: the number of kills they scored, how many times they died, and how many assists they racked up. With these numbers, they can compute their KDA using this formula: (Kills + Assists) / Deaths = KDA.

For instance, if a player ends up with 10 kills, 3 deaths, and 1 assist (a 10/3/1 score), their KDA would be 3.67: (10 + 1) / 3 = 3.67. But if another player has 2 kills, 5 deaths, and no assists (a 2/5/0 score), their KDA would be a less impressive 0.4: (2 + 0) / 5 = 0.4.

Unlike the kill-death ratios (KDRs) used in other games, LoL’s KDA ratio gives credit for assists. This is because many champions in the game are support characters, whose main function is to help their teammates, not necessarily to kill opponents.

Example for using ‘KDA’ in a conversation

Hey, did you see my KDA in that last game?

Yeah, it was awesome! What was your ratio?

I had 12 kills, 2 deaths, and 8 assists. So my KDA was 10.0!