What does LGTM stand for?

Looks good to me

LGTM is a commonly used abbreviation in digital communication and on platforms such as GitHub. It stands for ‘Looks Good To Me’, expressing approval or endorsement of something.

Whether it’s an image, a video, or a piece of text, if you come across something you like or approve of, you can simply respond with ‘LGTM’. It’s a quick and easy way to give feedback, especially when collaborating on a project.

It’s very popular in email exchanges, chat discussions, and texting. If someone shares a proposal or an idea with you, and you think it’s good, you can just say ‘LGTM’.

On GitHub, a platform for coders, ‘LGTM’ is often used to approve changes or new code. If a coder submits a piece of code and it meets the standards, the reviewer might just comment ‘LGTM’, indicating that the code can be merged or used.

Example for using ‘LGTM’ in a conversation

Hey, can you take a look at this picture I took? πŸ“·

Sure, send it over! πŸ“©

Here it is! What do you think? πŸ€”

LGTM! It looks great! πŸ™Œ