What does LML stand for?

Laughing mad loud

LML is an abbreviation that interprets as “laughing mad loud”. This term is a heightened form of the more common LOL (Laugh Out Loud) and gives the impression of being hysterically funny. You’re likely to spot this acronym in the online world or in text messages.

When something is extremely hilarious or a private joke gets you in the ribs, you can use LML to express your amusement. Even though the term suggests a loud, uncontrollable laugh, it’s usually not meant to be taken literally. In some instances, though, it could indicate a soft chuckle or giggle.

Example for using ‘LML’ in a conversation

Hey, guess what! I just saw a cat trying to ride a skateboard! LML πŸ˜‚πŸ±πŸ›Ή

Hahaha, seriously? That’s hilarious! LML 🀣

I couldn’t stop laughing! It was so unexpected. LML πŸ˜†

I wish I was there to see it too. LML πŸ˜