What does LOLH stand for?

Laughing out loud hysterically

Ever heard about the term ‘LOLH’? It’s a fun spin on the well-known term ‘LOL’. But here’s the twist, it takes the laughter to a whole new level – the hysterical level. It’s often used when something is incredibly funny.

Despite its popularity, it’s not a very common term to use sarcastically. But hey, you never know with internet slang, it’s always evolving.

So next time when someone sends you a hilarious meme or joke, you know what to respond with – ‘LOLH’! Just remember, it’s all about the hysterical laughter.

Example for using ‘LOLH’ in a conversation

Friend 1: Hey, guess what? I just bumped into a lamppost while texting!

Friend 2: LOLH! That’s hilarious! Were you too busy laughing at a funny meme or something?

Friend 1: Haha, yeah! Couldn’t control my laughter and bam, right into the lamppost. 🀣

Friend 2: LOLH! You never fail to crack me up. Be careful next time though, don’t want you walking into any more lampposts! πŸ˜‚