What does LUL stand for?

Love you lots

LUL is a popular slang abbreviation that stands for “love you lots“. It’s a way to express a deep affection for someone. This term is commonly used in digital communication, whether it be text messages, social media or emails.

Most often, you’ll find LUL used to round off a conversation with a loved one. However, it can just as easily be dropped in the middle of a sentence when you feel the need to express your love for someone.

It’s important to note that the love expressed through LUL can be either platonic or romantic. You might use this term when talking to your parents, siblings, children, spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend, or even your closest friends. Even beloved public figures like Bob Ross might be on the receiving end of a LUL.

You might also come across similar abbreviations like LYL or ILYL, which carry the same sentiment as LUL.

Example for using ‘LUL’ in a conversation

Hey, just wanted to say how much I appreciate you. You’re always there for me when I need you. LUL 😊

Aww, thank you! That means a lot to me too. LUL ❀️

I’m so lucky to have you in my life. LUL πŸ’•

Right back at you! LUL 😘