What does LY stand for?

Love ya

LY is a popular slang term that lets you express your love to someone quickly. This could be a friend, a loved one, or anyone you feel affection for. It’s simply a shorter version of ILY, another common term of endearment.

You’re likely to see LY used at the end of messages, whether that’s a text, an email, or a chat. For instance, your mom could sign off an email with “LY, Mom”. Or, if you have a big presentation coming up, your buddy might text you “You’ve got this! LY, pal!”

There’s a whole range of short forms and acronyms that people use to send love in digital communication. Besides LY, you might also see 143, ILU, ILYSM, and LUL. These are just some of the ways we keep our messages affectionate, even when we’re in a hurry.

Example for using ‘LY’ in a conversation

Hey, are you free tomorrow?

Yeah, I have some free time. What’s up?

I was wondering if you’d like to grab lunch together. LY!

Aw, that sounds great! LY2!