What does PJDWYS stand for?

Personal joke, don’t worry yourself

So, you’ve encountered the term PJDWYS and you’re scratching your head wondering what it means. No worries, we’ve got you covered! It represents the phrase “personal joke, don’t worry yourself”, a handy phrase often used in digital conversations to smooth over a situation where a joke didn’t quite hit the mark.

Imagine you’re chatting with your friend, Alex, and he makes a joke that you don’t get because it’s too specific or unusual. Alex might follow up with PJDWYS to let you know it was a personal joke and you don’t need to stress about not understanding it.

But there’s another side to PJDWYS. Sometimes, it’s used as a cover-up for a joke that’s a bit harsh or cruel. For example, if your friend, Mia, said something that upset you, and they responded with PJDWYS, it could mean they’re trying to brush off their insensitive remark as a joke. In this case, you might want to think twice before letting it slide.

So, there you have it! Whether it’s a niche joke or a poorly veiled insult, PJDWYS is a term you’ll now be able to recognize and understand in your online conversations. Happy chatting!

Example for using ‘PJDWYS’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the new superhero movie?

Yeah, I saw it. Wasn’t really my thing, though.

Aw, really? I thought it was hilarious! πŸ˜„

Hmm, I guess I just didn’t get the humor. PJDWYS. πŸ˜‰