
What does Rinsed mean in competitions?

Rinsed means Defeated

In the world of sports and gaming, ‘Rinsed’ is a slang term that means “defeated”. It’s a way to talk about a competition where one side completely overpowers the other.

Let’s say, you’re a fan of Arsenal and they just had an amazing victory over Liverpool. You might tell your friends, “We rinsed Liverpool, what a match!” Or imagine you’re playing a game of Fortnite and you beat your opponents without breaking a sweat. You might tell them, “you guys got rinsed“.

It’s a fun and playful way to brag about your victories, whether in the sports world or in a gaming session. So next time you’re on the winning side, don’t forget to tell your opponents they’ve been ‘rinsed’!

Example for using ‘Rinsed’ in a conversation

Did you watch the soccer game last night?

Yeah, I did! Manchester United totally rinsed Chelsea!

Haha, they really did! What a victory!

I know, right? Chelsea couldn’t keep up at all!