What does TAZ stand for?

The Adventure Zone

When you hear the term ‘TAZ’, it’s a nod to a popular podcast known as The Adventure Zone. It’s a show where the hosts – George, Jordan, Trevor, and Carl – dive into the world of tabletop role-playing games, with a focus on Dungeons and Dragons (DnD).

Since its first episode in 2014, TAZ has become a favorite among fans. The show is famous for its balance of comedy and drama, brought to life by the creativity of the hosts. George usually leads the game as the Dungeon Master, while his brothers and father navigate the game’s challenges and narrative twists.

TAZ is not just limited to audio. In 2018, the book publisher First Second started turning TAZ’s Balance arc into a series of graphic novels. These books are a collaboration between the hosts and illustrator Carey Pietsch. The show continues to evolve, and as of 2021, it’s on its fourth campaign, named Ethersea.

So, whether you’re a die-hard fan of role-playing games or just love good storytelling, TAZ is a slang term well worth knowing.

Example for using ‘TAZ’ in a conversation

Hey, have you listened to TAZ yet? 🎧

Yeah, I’m totally hooked on it! πŸ˜„

Me too! The McElroys are hilarious! πŸ˜‚

I know, right? And the storylines are so good! πŸ“š