What does TWSS stand for?

That’s what she said

When you see TWSS, it’s an abbreviation for “That’s what she said”. This phrase is often used to say that something someone else just mentioned has been previously said by a woman.

It’s also a way to add humor to a conversation, particularly when the context can be seen as sexual. A famous example of this usage can be seen in the character Jim Halpert from the TV show The Office, who often uses the phrase in this manner.

You’ll probably find TWSS in text messages, online chats, or emails. It’s also commonly used to caption funny images or memes shared on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook.

Although it’s less common, some folks use TWHS as the male equivalent of TWSS. So, if your friend echoes something your dad said, you might respond with “Wow! TWHS!”

Another variation of this slang is TWIS, although it’s not as frequently used as TWSS or TWHS. These slang terms are all about adding a bit of fun and wit to conversations.

Example for using ‘TWSS’ in a conversation

Hey, did you hear about the new restaurant in town?

No, what’s it called?

It’s called ‘Taste of Heaven’.

TWSS! πŸ˜‚