What does UOME stand for?

You owe me

If you’ve lent a friend some cash or did them a favor and it’s payback time, you might drop them a message saying “UOME.” This is just another way of saying “You owe me,” and it’s the reverse of the more common phrase “IOU.” You’ll typically see this used in emails, online chats or text messages.

It’s a handy phrase to use when you want to remind someone about that loan or favor. But be careful who you use it with – if they’re not up on their slang, they might not understand what you’re talking about. It’s a twist on “IOU,” a phrase that most people are familiar with.

For example, you might message your sister “UOME” after payday to remind her about the grocery bill you covered last week. Or maybe you’d text it to your boyfriend to hint that it’s his turn to choose the movie. Just remember to only use it with close friends or family – it could come across as a bit pushy to people you’re not as familiar with.

Example for using ‘UOME’ in a conversation

Hey, remember that $20 I lent you last week?

Yeah, I do. Why?

UOME. Time to pay up! 😜