
What does Weeb mean?

Someone not from Japan who is really into Japanese pop culture

Weebs are people who are not from Japan but have a deep appreciation for anime, manga, Japanese video games, and other areas of Japanese pop culture. This slang term is a shortened version of weeaboo, which has its roots in the online forum 4chan.

Anime gained popularity in the United States and other Western countries in the 1980s and 90s. As more people gained internet access, Western anime superfans started interacting on message boards and forums, expressing their love for their favorite anime shows. Some fans were so enamored with anime and Japanese culture that they started being referred to as Wapanese, a shortened form of “white Japanese” or “wannabe Japanese”.

Over time, the term Wapanese was seen as an insult. To counter this, the moderators at 4chan, a popular forum, put a rule in place that replaced all instances of Wapanese with the term weeabo, a made-up word from The Perry Bible Fellowship, an online comic strip. This term was eventually shortened to weeb.

From 2011 onwards, the usage of the term weeb has evolved. It is no longer an insult, but a term used to describe any superfan of anime and manga, not just those who are overly obsessed with Japanese culture. Many fans of anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture now proudly call themselves weebs.

Example for using ‘Weeb’ in a conversation

Hey, did you watch the new anime episode today? It was so good! 🙌

Of course, I’m a total weeb! 😄🎉

Haha, same here! Weeb life is the best life. 🤓🎮📚

Absolutely! Anime and manga bring so much joy into our lives. 🌸💖