What does XDD mean?

Laughing super hard

If you’ve ever come across the term XDD and found yourself scratching your head, don’t worry! XDD is essentially a fun and quirky way to express laughter online. Much like XD, it’s a digital expression that mirrors a face bursting with laughter.

But the question is, how does XDD depict a laughing face? Well, imagine it as a face on its side: the X forms the eyes, squinted tight with mirth, and the two Ds make up an open, chuckling mouth. It’s a pretty clever way to express joy, don’t you think?

So when would you use XDD? This fun little term is perfect for those moments when something is so funny, you just have to share your laughter with others. It’s a lighthearted and expressive way to show that you found something really, really hilarious.

Example for using ‘XDD’ in a conversation

Hey, guess what? I just found the funniest video online! 🀣

Oh really? Share the link! I could use a good laugh. πŸ˜„

Here it is: [link]. Make sure to watch till the end! XDD

Haha, that was hilarious! XDD Thanks for sharing! πŸ˜‚