What does 1437 mean?

‘1437’ stands for ‘I love you forever’

When it comes to saying “I love you forever” in a more unique and interesting way, people use ‘1437’. This number represents the number of letters in each word of the phrase, making it a kind of code.

This interesting way of expressing affection has its roots in a touching story from the last century. It involves a lighthouse keeper and his spouse who used the lighthouse’s flash patterns to communicate “I love you” to their children.

The number 143, representing “I love you”, has been widely used since then. It has found its way into text messages, chats, and even social media platforms. An example of a popular figure who loved using this code was the beloved children’s television host, Bob Ross.

Over time, people have added more numbers to the ‘143’ code to represent additional words. So, you might encounter ‘1432’ which stands for “I love you, too”. Similarly, ‘1437’ is an extension that means “I love you forever”.

Example for using ‘1437’ in a conversation

Hey! I just wanted to tell you something…

What’s up?

1437 ❀️

Aww, 1437 too! 😍