What does 4MTK stand for?

For me to know

If you’ve ever wondered about 4MTK, it’s simply a quick way of saying “for me to know.” This is a common phrase used to express that some information is meant to be kept secret, or not shared with everyone. The number 4 here is used instead of “for” to form this acronym.

Usually, people use 4MTK in a sentence like “that’s 4MTK,” to show off that they have some secret knowledge that you’re not aware of. It’s often used in a teasing or playful manner.

Now, if someone’s being particularly cheeky, they might add &UTFO at the end of 4MTK. This stands for “and you to find out.” Basically, they’re saying that you’ll discover the secret eventually … but there’s a good chance you won’t be thrilled when you do.

Example for using ‘4MTK’ in a conversation

Hey, guess what I found out today?

What is it?

4MTK 😜

Haha, what does that even mean?