What does AAK stand for?

Alive and kicking

When someone mentions ‘AAK’, they’re using a fun, easy-going way to say they’re still around and doing alright. You might see ‘AAK’ pop up in reply to a friend asking how they’re doing.

The phrase ‘alive and kicking’ has been around since the early 1800s, used back then to show that despite tough times, someone could still kick and show they were alive. As the internet and texting got popular in the late 1900s and early 2000s, ‘AAK’ became an acronym for this classic phrase.

It’s usually the older generation, who are more familiar with slang, that use ‘AAK’, and it’s not that common among younger people. So, it’s possible ‘AAK’ might not be ‘alive and kicking’ for much longer.

People often use ‘AAK’ when they’re trying to see the positive side in a challenging situation. For example, they might use it when they’ve just finished a hard exam, or lost a close game. It’s their way of saying, “at least I’m alive and kicking”.

In more serious situations, like following a scary health diagnosis or a near-death experience, someone might use ‘AAK’ to show they’re still here and fighting. It’s a way of acknowledging the situation, but also showing resilience and a positive attitude.

Example for using ‘AAK’ in a conversation

Hey, how are you doing?

Hey! AAK, thanks! Just finished my last exam. 😊

That’s great! Congrats on completing the exams!

Thanks! Feels good to be alive and kicking! Ready for a break now. πŸ˜