What does GYPO stand for?

Get your pants off

Ever found yourself chatting with a friend and they suddenly drop the letters ‘GYPO’? Don’t freak out, it’s just a trendy acronym used often in texting and chat sessions. GYPO is a way to cheekily tell the other person to take off their pants, usually during a video call or a chat conversation.

Let’s say you’re talking to your friend Jim virtually. If he uses GYPO, he’s not trying to confuse you, he’s just teasing you in a fun way. The same goes if you’re on the receiving end of this acronym from someone else.

GYPO isn’t meant to be offensive or inappropriate, but it’s always important to consider the context and the relationship you have with the person using it. So, next time you see ‘GYPO’ popping up on your screen, you’ll know it’s all in good fun!

Example for using ‘GYPO’ in a conversation

Hey, guess what? I just got a new webcam! πŸ˜„

That’s awesome! Now we can video chat more often! πŸ‘

Definitely! Can’t wait to catch up. How about tonight?

Sounds good! GYPO! 😏