What does ABCP stand for?

A bad computer professional

If you’re peeved at your office’s tech guru, you might call them ABCP, which stands for a bad computer professional. This expression is mostly used in a work context, in emails or chat messages, when someone is struggling with their computer issues.

On occasion, the ABCP label can be applied to IT support staff beyond the confines of your office. This usage is more frequent among tech-savvy individuals who believe they deserve better tech support and troubleshooting help.

Example for using ‘ABCP’ in a conversation

Hey, I’m so frustrated right now! 😑 My computer keeps crashing and the IT guy is not doing anything about it!

Uh oh, sounds like you’re dealing with an ABCP! πŸ™„

What’s an ABCP? πŸ€”

It stands for ‘A bad computer professional’. Basically, it’s someone who’s not good at fixing computer problems. πŸ˜’